Wednesday 26 October 2022

How to restore delete records using trigger

Undelete operation in the trigger will be fired, if you are restoring deleted record from the recycle bin. Example. If you deleted an account record, then it will be moved to recycle bin, if you restore the deleted account record from recycle bin, then undelete event in account object will get triggered. deleted data is stored in the recycle bin for 15 days.

trigger AccountUndeleteTrigger on Account (after undelete)  {    

 List<Account> listAccountToUpdate = new List<Account>();    

 for(Account acc :     {             

 acc.Name = 'Undeleted:' + acc.Name;            



 if(listAccountToUpdate.size() > 0 )    


update listAccountToUpdate;     



Saturday 1 February 2020

DocuSign Integration with Salesforce Using API and Controller

1- Service class for the docusign integration

 * Class Name: EEC_DocusignServiceUtility
 * Purpose: Service class for the docusign integration
 * Created By/Date: Upendra Dubey
public with sharing class EEC_DocusignServiceUtility {
    public static EEC_Config__c docusignConfig = EEC_Config__c.getInstance();
    static String integratorKey = docusignConfig.Secure_Param_Key__c; // integrator key (found on Preferences -> API page)
    static String username = docusignConfig.User_Name__c; // account email (or your API userId)
    static String password = docusignConfig.Password__c; // account password
    static String docusignURL = docusignConfig.Docusign_URL__c; //docusign url
    // construct the DocuSign authentication header
    public static String authenticationHeader =
                    '<DocuSignCredentials>' +
                        '<Username>' + username + '</Username>' +
                        '<Password>' + password + '</Password>' +
                        '<IntegratorKey>' + integratorKey + '</IntegratorKey>' +
     * Method Name: sendDocumentForSigning
     * Description: Method to send the document for signing and save the envelope Id on the Transaction_Contact__c
     * @return: List<DocumentInformation>
     * @param: Id, Map<Id, blob>, String
    public static String sendDocumentForSigning(String transactionId, String returnPageURL, Pagereference pdfPage) {
        DocumentInformation documentInformation;
        if(String.isBlank(transactionId)) {
            return '';
        List<SignerInformation> uploadSigners = new List<SignerInformation>();
        Transaction_Contact__c transactionContact = new Transaction_Contact__c();
        for(Transaction_Contact__c tempTransactionContact : [SELECT Id,
                                                            FROM Transaction_Contact__c
                                                            WHERE Id =: transactionId]) {
            transactionContact = tempTransactionContact;
            SignerInformation signerInformation = new SignerInformation(tempTransactionContact.First_Name__c + ' ' + tempTransactionContact.Last_Name__c, 
                                                                        tempTransactionContact.Email__c, 11'Signature Panel Tag''Signing Date');
        /* String emailBody = 'Hi,<br/><br/>Please sign the document for BRC Information by clicking the "Review Document" button above.' +
                               '<br/><br/>Thank You,<br/>'; */
        Blob content = pdfPage.getContentAsPDF();
        documentInformation = sendSigningDocument(EncodingUtil.base64Encode(content), uploadSigners,
                                                      ' '' ''Consent licensee'true, returnPageURL);
        if(String.isNotBlank(documentInformation.envelopeId)) {
            transactionContact.Envelope_Id__c = documentInformation.envelopeId;
            update transactionContact;
        return documentInformation.signingUrl;
    public static String getSigningURL(String envelopeId, String returnPageURL, String signerName,
                                       String signerEmail, Integer recipientId){
        return getSigningURL(authenticate(docusignConfig.Docusign_URL__c, authenticationHeader), envelopeId, returnPageURL,
                                          new SignerInformation(signerName, signerEmail, recipientId, nullnullnull)).signingUrl;                                    
     * Method Name: sendSigningDocument
     * Description: Method to get signing URL and envelopId of the document
     * @return: DocumentInformation
     * @param: String, String, List<SignerInformation>, String, String, String, Boolean, String, Boolean
    public static DocumentInformation sendSigningDocument(String content, List<SignerInformation> signers,
                                                          String emailSubject, String emailBody, String documentName,
                                                          Boolean isGetURL, String returnPageURL){
        // STEP 1 - Make the Login API call to retrieve your baseUrl and accountId
        AuthenticationInformation authenticationInformation = authenticate(docusignConfig.Docusign_URL__c, authenticationHeader);
        // STEP 2 - Signature Request from Template API Call
        HttpRequest request = new HttpRequest();
        http httpCallout = new http();
        HttpResponse response = new HttpResponse();
        String url = authenticationInformation.baseURL + '/envelopes';
        // this example uses XML formatted requests, JSON format is also accepted
        String body =  '<envelopeDefinition xmlns=\'\'>' +
                       '<AllowMarkup>false</AllowMarkup>' +
                       '<emailSubject><![CDATA[' + emailSubject + ']]></emailSubject><emailBlurb><![CDATA[' + emailBody + ']]></emailBlurb>' +
                       '<documents><document><name>' + documentName + '</name><documentId>1</documentId>' +
                       '<documentBase64>' + content + '</documentBase64>' +
                       '</document></documents>' +
                       '<accountId>' + authenticationInformation.accountId + '</accountId>' +
                       '<status>sent</status>' +
                       '<emailSubject>' + emailSubject + '</emailSubject>' +
        for(SignerInformation signer : signers){
            body += '<signer><email>' + signer.signerEmail + '</email>' +
                    '<name>' + signer.signerName + '</name><recipientId>' + signer.recipientId + '</recipientId><routingOrder>' +
                    signer.routingOrder + '</routingOrder>' +
                    (isGetURL ? '<clientUserId>' + signer.recipientId + '</clientUserId>' : '') +
                     '<tabs><dateSignedTabs><dateSigned><tabLabel>' + signer.signDateLabel + '</tabLabel><name>' + signer.signDateLabel + '</name>' +
                     '<anchorString>' + signer.signDateLabel + '</anchorString><anchorMatchWholeWord>true</anchorMatchWholeWord><anchorXOffset>0</anchorXOffset>' +
                     '<anchorYOffset>10</anchorYOffset></dateSigned></dateSignedTabs><signHereTabs><signHere><anchorString>' +
                     signer.signLabel + '</anchorString><anchorMatchWholeWord>true</anchorMatchWholeWord><anchorXOffset>0</anchorXOffset><anchorYOffset>0</anchorYOffset>' +
                     '<anchorIgnoreIfNotPresent>false</anchorIgnoreIfNotPresent><anchorUnits>inches</anchorUnits></signHere></signHereTabs></tabs>' +
        body += '</signers></recipients></envelopeDefinition>';
        request = new HttpRequest();
        request.setHeader('X-DocuSign-Authentication', authenticationHeader);
        request.setHeader('Content-Length', String.valueOf(body.length()));
            body = body.replace('&','&amp;');
        httpCallout = new http();
        response = new HttpResponse();
        response = httpCallout.send(request);
        String envelopeId = '';
        String uri ='';
        Dom.Document doc = response.getBodyDocument();
        for(Dom.XmlNode node : doc.getRootElement().getChildElements()) {
            if(node.getName() == 'envelopeId') {
                envelopeId = node.getText();
            if (node.getName() == 'uri') {
                uri = node.getText();
        String signingUrl;
            return getSigningURL(authenticationInformation, envelopeId, returnPageURL, signers.get(0));
        return new DocumentInformation(envelopeId, nullnullnull, signingUrl);
    public static DocumentInformation getSigningURL(AuthenticationInformation authenticationInformation, String envelopeId, String returnPageURL, SignerInformation signer){
        String url = authenticationInformation.baseURL + '/envelopes/' + envelopeId + '/views/recipient';
        String body = '<recipientViewRequest xmlns=\'\'>'  +
                      '<returnUrl>' + returnPageURL +  '</returnUrl>' +
                      '<authenticationMethod>email</authenticationMethod>' +
                      '<email>' + signer.signerEmail + '</email>' +
                      '<clientUserId>' + signer.recipientId + '</clientUserId>' +
                      '<userName>' + signer.signerName + '</userName>' +
        HttpRequest request = new HttpRequest();
        request.setHeader('X-DocuSign-Authentication', authenticationHeader);
        request.setHeader('Content-Length', String.valueOf(body.length()));
            body = body.replace('&','&amp;');
        http h = new http();
        HttpResponse response = new HttpResponse();
        //Send http request
        response = h.send(request);
        String signingUrl;
        Dom.Document doc = response.getBodyDocument();
        for(dom.XmlNode node : doc.getRootElement().getChildElements()) {
            if(node.getName() == 'url') {
                signingUrl = node.getText();
        return new DocumentInformation(envelopeId, nullnullnull, signingUrl);
     * Method Name: fetchRecipients
     * Description: Method to fetch the recipients
     * @return: Recipients
     * @param: String, AuthenticationInformation
    public static Recipients fetchRecipients(String envelopeId, AuthenticationInformation authenticationInformation){
        String url = authenticationInformation.baseURL + '/envelopes/' + envelopeId + '/recipients?include_tabs=true';
        HttpRequest request = new HttpRequest();
        request.setHeader('X-DocuSign-Authentication', authenticationHeader);
        http h = new http();
        HttpResponse response = new HttpResponse();
        response = h.send(request);
        Recipients recipients = (Recipients)JSON.deserialize(response.getBody(), Recipients.class);
        recipients.recipientCount = recipients.signers.size();
        Integer index = 0;
        for(Signer temp : recipients.signers){
            if(temp.status == 'sent' || temp.status == 'delivered'){
                recipients.currentRoutingOrder = index + 1;
            }else if((index + 1) == recipients.recipientCount){
                recipients.currentRoutingOrder = index + 1;
            index += 1;
        return recipients;
     * Method Name: resendSigningDoc
     * Description: Method to resend signing document
     * @return: String
     * @param: String
    public static String resendSigningDoc(String envelopeId, String email){
        // STEP 1 - Make the Login API call to retrieve your baseUrl and accountId
        AuthenticationInformation authenticationInformation = authenticate(docusignURL, authenticationHeader);
        // STEP 2 - Signature Request from Template API Call
        Recipients recipients = fetchRecipients(envelopeId, authenticationInformation);
        if(recipients == null || recipients.signers.isEmpty()){
            return null;
        Integer currentSignerIndex = recipients.currentRoutingOrder -1;
        String signerInfo = '{"signers": [{"recipientId": "' + recipients.signers[currentSignerIndex].recipientId + '","name": "' +
                            recipients.signers[currentSignerIndex].name + '","email": "' +
                            (email != null && email != '' ? email : recipients.signers[currentSignerIndex].email) + '"}]}';
        String url = authenticationInformation.baseURL + '/envelopes/' + envelopeId + '/recipients?resend_envelope=true';
        HttpRequest request = new HttpRequest();
        request.setHeader('X-DocuSign-Authentication', authenticationHeader);
        http h = new http();
        HttpResponse response = new HttpResponse();
        response = h.send(request);
        return null;
     * Method Name: getSignedDocument
     * Description: Method to get the signed document
     * @param: String
     * @return: DocumentInformation
    public static DocumentInformation getSignedDocument(String envelopeId, Boolean retreiveDocumentBody){
        // STEP 1 - Make the Login API call to retrieve your baseUrl and accountId
        AuthenticationInformation authenticationInformation = authenticate(docusignURL, authenticationHeader);
        Date signingDate;
        String signingStatus;
        HttpRequest request = new HttpRequest();
        http httpCallout = new http();
        HttpResponse response = new HttpResponse();
        String url = authenticationInformation.baseURL + '/envelopes/' + envelopeId;
        request = new HttpRequest();
        request.setHeader('X-DocuSign-Authentication', authenticationHeader);
        httpCallout = new http();
        response = new HttpResponse();
        response = httpCallout.send(request);
        Dom.Document doc = response.getBodyDocument();
        for(Dom.XmlNode node : doc.getRootElement().getChildElements()) {
            if(node.getName() == 'status') {
                signingStatus = node.getText();
            if(node.getName() == 'completedDateTime') {
                if(node.getText() != null){
                    List<String> tempList = node.getText().split('T');
                    if(tempList != null && tempList.size() != 0){
                        tempList = tempList.get(0).split('-');
                        if(tempList != null && tempList.size() > 2){
                            signingDate = Date.parse(tempList.get(1) + '/' + tempList.get(2) + '/' +tempList.get(0));
        if(signingStatus == 'completed' && retreiveDocumentBody){
            url = authenticationInformation.baseURL + '/envelopes/' + envelopeId + '/documents/combined';
            request = new HttpRequest();
            request.setHeader('X-DocuSign-Authentication', authenticationHeader);
            httpCallout = new http();
            response = new HttpResponse();
            // sending http request
            response = httpCallout.send(request);
            return new DocumentInformation(envelopeId, response.getBodyAsBlob(), signingDate, signingStatus, null);
        return new DocumentInformation(envelopeId, null, signingDate, signingStatus, null);
     * Method Name: setDocumentStatus
     * Description: Method to set the document status
     * @param: String, String
     * @return: DocumentInformation
    public static void setDocumentStatus(String envelopeId, String status){
        // STEP 1 - Make the Login API call to retrieve your baseUrl and accountId
        AuthenticationInformation authenticationInformation = authenticate(docusignURL, authenticationHeader);
        HttpRequest request = new HttpRequest();
        http httpCallout = new http();
        HttpResponse response = new HttpResponse();
        String url = authenticationInformation.baseURL + '/envelopes/' + envelopeId;
        request = new HttpRequest();
        request.setHeader('X-DocuSign-Authentication', authenticationHeader);
        request.setBody('{"status": "'+ status +'", "voidedReason": "The reason for voiding the envelope"}');
        httpCallout = new http();
        response = new HttpResponse();
        response = httpCallout.send(request);
     * Method Name: authenticate
     * Description: Method to authenticate the docusign api
     * @param: String, String
     * @return: AuthenticationInformation
    public static AuthenticationInformation authenticate(String docusignURL, String authenticationHeader){
        String url = docusignURL + '/restapi/v2/login_information';
        String body = '';   // no request body for the login call
        HttpRequest request = new HttpRequest();
        request.setHeader('X-DocuSign-Authentication', authenticationHeader);
        http httpCallout = new http();
        //Creating http response object
        HttpResponse response = new HttpResponse();
        response = httpCallout.send(request);
        Dom.Document doc = response.getBodyDocument();
        String baseUrl = '';
        String accountId = '';
        for(Dom.XmlNode node : doc.getRootElement().getChildElements()) {
            if(node.getName() == 'loginAccounts') {
                for(Dom.XmlNode node1 : node.getChildElements()) {
                    if(node1.getName() == 'loginAccount') {
                        for(Dom.XmlNode node2 : node1.getChildElements()) {
                            if(node2.getName() == 'accountId') {
                                accountId = node2.getText();
                            if(node2.getName() == 'baseUrl') {
                                baseUrl = node2.getText();
        return new AuthenticationInformation(baseUrl, accountId);
    * Method Name: getCompletedEnvelopDateMap
    * Description: Method to get complete envelop data map
    * @return: static Map<String, Date>
    * @param: N/A
    public static Map<StringDate> getCompletedEnvelopDateMap(){
        Map<StringDate> completedEnvelopDateMap = new Map<StringDate>();
        // STEP 1 - Make the Login API call to retrieve your baseUrl and accountId
        AuthenticationInformation authenticationInformation = authenticate(docusignURL, authenticationHeader);
        HttpRequest request = new HttpRequest();
        http httpCallout = new http();
        HttpResponse response = new HttpResponse();
        Date from_date =;
        Date to_date =;
        String url = authenticationInformation.baseURL + '/envelopes?from_date=' + from_date.month() + '%2F' + + '%2F' + from_date.year() + '%2000%3A00'
                +'&from_to_status=changed&to_date=' + to_date.month() + '%2F' + + '%2F' + to_date.year() + '%2000%3A00' +
        request.setHeader('X-DocuSign-Authentication', authenticationHeader);
        response = httpCallout.send(request);
        Dom.Document doc = response.getBodyDocument();
        String tempEnvelopId;
        Date tempSignDate;
        for(dom.XmlNode node : doc.getRootElement().getChildElements()) {
            for(dom.XmlNode childNode : node.getChildElements()) {
                tempEnvelopId = null;
                tempSignDate = null;
                if(childNode.getName() == 'envelope') {
                    for(dom.XmlNode innerNode : childNode.getChildElements()) {
                        if(innerNode.getName() == 'envelopeId') {
                            tempEnvelopId = innerNode.getText();
                        if(innerNode.getName() == 'statusChangedDateTime') {
                            if(innerNode.getText() != null){
                                List<String> tempList = innerNode.getText().split('T');
                                if(tempList != null && tempList.size() != 0){
                                    tempList = tempList.get(0).split('-');
                                    if(tempList != null && tempList.size() > 2){
                                        tempSignDate = Date.parse(tempList.get(1) + '/' + tempList.get(2) + '/' +tempList.get(0));
                                        if(tempEnvelopId != null && tempSignDate != null){
                                            completedEnvelopDateMap.put(tempEnvelopId, tempSignDate);
        System.debug('>>> response = ' + response);
        System.debug('>>> tempEnvelopId = ' + tempEnvelopId);
        return completedEnvelopDateMap;
    //Wrapper class for the authentication information
    public class AuthenticationInformation{
        public String baseURL;
        public String accountId;
        public AuthenticationInformation(String baseURL, String accountId){
            this.baseURL = baseURL;
            this.accountId = accountId;
    //Wrapper class for the signer information
    public class SignerInformation{
        public String signerName;
        public String signerEmail;
        public Integer recipientId;
        public Integer routingOrder;
        public String signLabel;
        public String signDateLabel;
        public SignerInformation(String signerName, String signerEmail, Integer recipientId, Integer routingOrder, String signLabel, String signDateLabel){
            this.signerName = signerName;
            this.signerEmail = signerEmail;
            this.recipientId = recipientId;
            this.routingOrder = routingOrder;
            this.signLabel = signLabel;
            this.signDateLabel = signDateLabel;
    //Wrapper class for the document information
    public class DocumentInformation{
        public String envelopeId;
        public blob documentData;
        public Date signingDate;
        public String signingStatus;
        public String signingUrl;
        public DocumentInformation(String envelopeId, blob documentData, Date signingDate, String signingStatus, String signingUrl){
            this.envelopeId = envelopeId;
            this.documentData = documentData;
            this.signingDate = signingDate;
            this.signingStatus = signingStatus;
            this.signingUrl = signingUrl;
    //Wrapper class for Recipients
    public class Recipients{
        public List<Signer> signers;
        public Integer currentRoutingOrder;
        public Integer recipientCount;
    //Wrapper class for Signer
    public class Signer{
        public String status;
        public String email;
        public String name;
        public String recipientId;
        public String routingOrder;
        public String signedDateTime;
        public Tab tabs;
    //Wrapper class for tabs
    public class Tab{
        List<SignHereTab> signHereTabs;
    //Wrapper class for signHereTab
    public class SignHereTab{
        public String anchorString;

2- Controller
global with sharing class EEC_DocusignController {
    public Transaction_Contact__c transactionContactRec     {getset;}
    public Transaction_Contact__c transactionContactRecord  {getset;}
    public String errorMessage                              {getset;}
    public Boolean reloadPage                               {getset;}
    public EEC_DocusignController() {
        String transactionContactId = Apexpages.currentPage().getParameters().get('transactionId');
        errorMessage = '';
        reloadPage = true;
        if(String.isNotBlank(transactionContactId)) {
            transactionContactRecord = [SELECT Id,
                                        FROM Transaction_Contact__c
                                        WHERE Id = :transactionContactId];
            transactionContactRec = new Transaction_Contact__c(Id = transactionContactId, First_Name__c = transactionContactRecord.First_Name__c, Last_Name__c = transactionContactRecord.Last_Name__c);
    public void saveTransactionContact() {
        try {
            errorMessage = '';
            Date minimumDate = Date.newInstance(1900,01,01);
                if(transactionContactRec.Date_of_Birth__c < minimumDate || < transactionContactRec.Date_of_Birth__c.addYears(15)){
                    transactionContactRec.Date_of_Birth__c.addError('Applicant age should be greater than 15 years and Birth date should be greater than');
                    reloadPage = false;
            if(!(transactionContactRec.Current_Residential_Zip__c != null && transactionContactRec.Current_Residential_Zip__c.isNumeric() && transactionContactRec.Current_Residential_Zip__c.length() == 5 )){
                transactionContactRec.Current_Residential_Zip__c.addError('Zip code must be of 5 digits.');
                reloadPage = false;
            if(!(transactionContactRec.Mailing_Zip__c != null && transactionContactRec.Mailing_Zip__c.isNumeric() && transactionContactRec.Mailing_Zip__c.length() == 5 )){
                transactionContactRec.Mailing_Zip__c.addError('Zip code must be of 5 digits.');
                reloadPage = false;
            if(!(transactionContactRec.Out_of_state_Zip_1__c != null && transactionContactRec.Out_of_state_Zip_1__c.isNumeric() && transactionContactRec.Out_of_state_Zip_1__c.length() == 5 )){
                transactionContactRec.Out_of_state_Zip_1__c.addError('Zip code must be of 5 digits.');
                reloadPage = false;
            if(!(transactionContactRec.Out_of_state_Zip_2__c != null && transactionContactRec.Out_of_state_Zip_2__c.isNumeric() && transactionContactRec.Out_of_state_Zip_2__c.length() == 5 )){
                transactionContactRec.Out_of_state_Zip_2__c.addError('Zip code must be of 5 digits.');
                reloadPage = false;
            if(!(transactionContactRec.Out_of_state_Zip_3__c != null && transactionContactRec.Out_of_state_Zip_3__c.isNumeric() && transactionContactRec.Out_of_state_Zip_3__c.length() == 5 )){
                transactionContactRec.Out_of_state_Zip_3__c.addError('Zip code must be of 5 digits.');
                reloadPage = false;
            if(!(transactionContactRec.Out_of_state_Zip_4__c != null && transactionContactRec.Out_of_state_Zip_4__c.isNumeric() && transactionContactRec.Out_of_state_Zip_4__c.length() == 5 )){
                transactionContactRec.Out_of_state_Zip_4__c.addError('Zip code must be of 5 digits.');
                reloadPage = false;
            if(!(transactionContactRec.Out_of_state_Zip_5__c != null && transactionContactRec.Out_of_state_Zip_5__c.isNumeric() && transactionContactRec.Out_of_state_Zip_5__c.length() == 5 )){
                transactionContactRec.Out_of_state_Zip_5__c.addError('Zip code must be of 5 digits.');
                reloadPage = false;
            if(!(transactionContactRec.Out_of_state_Zip_6__c != null && transactionContactRec.Out_of_state_Zip_6__c.isNumeric() && transactionContactRec.Out_of_state_Zip_6__c.length() == 5 )){
                transactionContactRec.Out_of_state_Zip_6__c.addError('Zip code must be of 5 digits.');
                reloadPage = false;
            if(!(transactionContactRec.Out_of_state_Zip_7__c != null && transactionContactRec.Out_of_state_Zip_7__c.isNumeric() && transactionContactRec.Out_of_state_Zip_7__c.length() == 5 )){
                transactionContactRec.Out_of_state_Zip_7__c.addError('Zip code must be of 5 digits.');
                reloadPage = false;
            if(!(transactionContactRec.Out_of_state_Zip_8__c != null && transactionContactRec.Out_of_state_Zip_8__c.isNumeric() && transactionContactRec.Out_of_state_Zip_8__c.length() == 5 )){
                transactionContactRec.Out_of_state_Zip_8__c.addError('Zip code must be of 5 digits.');
                reloadPage = false;
            if(!(transactionContactRec.Out_of_state_Zip_9__c != null && transactionContactRec.Out_of_state_Zip_9__c.isNumeric() && transactionContactRec.Out_of_state_Zip_9__c.length() == 5 )){
                transactionContactRec.Out_of_state_Zip_9__c.addError('Zip code must be of 5 digits.');
                reloadPage = false;
            if(reloadPage) {
                upsert transactionContactRec;
        } catch (Exception except) {
            errorMessage = except.getMessage();
    * Method Name: getSiginingUrl
    * Description: getting signing URL
    * @param: String transactionId
    * @param: String pdfPageName
    * @return: String
    global static String getSiginingUrl(String transactionId){
        String domainURL = URL.getSalesforceBaseUrl().toExternalForm();
        Pagereference returnPage = Page.EEC_DocusignPage;
        returnPage.getParameters().put('transactionId', transactionId);
        Pagereference pdfPage = Page.EEC_DocusignPDF;
        pdfPage.getParameters().put('transactionId', transactionId);
        return EEC_DocusignServiceUtility.sendDocumentForSigning(transactionId, returnPage.getUrl(), pdfPage);
    global static String getSignedDocumentStatus(String isSigned, String transactionId) {
        if(String.isNotBlank(transactionId)) {
            Transaction_Contact__c transactionContact = [SELECT Id,
                                                        FROM Transaction_Contact__c
                                                        WHERE Id =: transactionId];
            if(transactionContact.BRC_Consent_Signed_Date__c == null && transactionContact.Envelope_Id__c != null && isSigned == 'signing_complete'){
                EEC_DocusignServiceUtility.DocumentInformation documentInformation = EEC_DocusignServiceUtility.getSignedDocument(transactionContact.Envelope_Id__c, true);
                Attachment attachment = new Attachment(ParentId = transactionId, Body = documentInformation.documentData,
                        Name = 'Consent licensee - ' +,
                        ContentType = 'application/pdf');
                insert attachment;
                transactionContact.BRC_Consent_Signed_Date__c = documentInformation.signingDate;
                transactionContact.BRC_Consent_Status__c = documentInformation.signingStatus;
                update transactionContact;
            } else if(transactionContact.Envelope_Id__c != null && transactionContact.BRC_Consent_Status__c != 'Completed') {
                EEC_DocusignServiceUtility.DocumentInformation documentInformation = EEC_DocusignServiceUtility.getSignedDocument(transactionContact.Envelope_Id__c, false);
                if(documentInformation.signingStatus != 'Completed') {
                    Pagereference returnPage = Page.EEC_DocusignPage;
                    returnPage.getParameters().put('transactionId', transactionId);
                    String signingURL = EEC_DocusignServiceUtility.getSigningURL(transactionContact.Envelope_Id__c, returnPage.getUrl(), 
                                                                                transactionContact.First_Name__c + ' ' + transactionContact.Last_Name__c,
                                                                                transactionContact.Email__c, 1);
                    return signingURL;
        return null;
    public void mailingAddressSameAsResidentialAddress() {
        if(transactionContactRec.Residential_Copy_Over_Mailing_Address__c) {
            transactionContactRec.Mailing_Address_Line_1__c = transactionContactRec.Current_Residential_Address_Line_1__c;
            transactionContactRec.Mailing_Address_Line_2__c = transactionContactRec.Current_Residential_Address_Line_2__c;
            transactionContactRec.Mailing_City__c = transactionContactRec.Current_Residential_City__c;
            transactionContactRec.Mailing_State__c = transactionContactRec.Current_Residential_State__c;
            transactionContactRec.Mailing_Zip__c = transactionContactRec.Current_Residential_Zip__c;
        } else {
            transactionContactRec.Mailing_Address_Line_1__c = '';
            transactionContactRec.Mailing_Address_Line_2__c = '';
            transactionContactRec.Mailing_City__c = '';
            transactionContactRec.Mailing_State__c = '';
            transactionContactRec.Mailing_Zip__c = '';